Tuesday, November 08, 2005

nock-nock...is anyone home?!

I just read an article about a survey that was made among Estonian citizens, that also includes non-Estonians. And to be honest, it made me furious.
The main question of the research was "did you like the life in Soviet Union more than now?". And guess what, half of the non-Estonians found the life to be better under Russian power. A THIRD of Estonians agreed with that half. I mean...people...don`t you remember? I´m still very young, but I do remember. I remember standing in a very long line with a food stamp..to get the last bread. I remember my grandma telling me she was in jail...just in case... Don`t you remember that people were deportated to Siberia?
I mean...I`m half Russian and I have nothing against Russia itself...but really...come on people!

I feel insulted.. (and just in the last post I was explaining how desperately you would need help with learning our language... damn)

1 comment:

Elli said...

was it me standing in the queue or you???
seems you don`t know much about estonian economical history, cuz you didn`t experience it. the food stamps weren´t given to poor,they were given to everybody,so that everyone would get a bread...because there wasn`t enough!!!! we weren`t poor. the same thing with sugar.. every family could buy only certain amount of it. people were standing in lines from early morning to make sure they get the goods.maybe it was different else where,but in our town that was the case!!wasn`t related to poverty what so ever!!!